Requirements & Class Schedule

“I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”
Jesus, John 3:5
We are honored to be part of such a pivotal moment in your life and look forward to walking with you as you strive to fulfill your duty as Christian parents by having your child baptized and raising them to know, love, and serve God in the Catholic Faith!
To have your child baptized at Infant of Prague you must:
Be a registered parishioner for at least three months.
Be practicing the Catholic Faith. (See Catechism par. 2041-43)
Have Godparent Eligibility forms signed and returned to the Parish Office prior to scheduling the baptism. You may contact the Parish Office to obtain Godparent Eligibility Forms in advance. Forms are also available at the Baptism Class.
Attend the Baptism Preparation Class at Infant of Prague. This class is mandatory for your first child's Baptism or if you have not previously attended Baptism Preparation at IOP. Pre-registration is not required.
English: Baptism classes are held on the last Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM in the Parish Hall.
Español: Las clases de Bautismo en Español se llevan a cabo el primer miércoles de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en la Biblioteca del Salón Parroquial.
Baptism classes are held the last Sunday of the month.
Extraordinary changes of date will be posted on the website and in the bulletin.
To learn more about this beautiful Sacrament, which has been called the basis of the whole Christian life and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Parish office: 910-347-4196