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Liturgical Ministers

Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers - at mass, assist in distributing the body and blood of the Lord and/or bring the Blessed Sacrament 

Lectors/Commentators - Proclaim the Word of God at our Sunday and daily masses (confirmed)

Altar Servers - Assist at the celebration of the Eucharist (4th grade - Confirmation)

Greeters - Welcome people as they enter our church; take up the collections; assist those in need. (high school and up)


Mr. Pat Buhr


Do you wish to volunteer as a liturgical minister or need to update your registration information? Click below!

Click here to read the Diocese of Raleigh: Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the Eucharistic Liturgy (the Mass)

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