Liturgical Ministers
Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers

Altar Server Retreat
Saturday, June 22, 9am-Noon | Infant of Prague Parish Hall
Hosted by Seminarian Drew Navarro, open to all youth who have made their First Communion.
For information & registration, contact Drew Navarro:
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers - at Mass, assist in distributing the Body and Blood of the Lord and/or bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick or homebound.
Readers - Proclaim the Word of God at our Sunday and daily Masses. (Confirmed)
Altar Servers - Assist at the celebration of the Eucharist.
(4th grade - Confirmation)
Greeters - Welcome people as they enter our church; take up the collections; assist those in need.
(High school and up)
Mr. Pat Buhr
Do you wish to volunteer as a liturgical minister or need to update your registration information? Click below!