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Infant of Prague Catholic Church

Notes from Fr. Vic

Pastor's Page

"My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

John 10:27

January 13, 2025

First Week of Ordinary Time


As we enter the First Week of Ordinary Time after the season of Christmas and the Nativity Story, here is a simple reflection on the image of the star leading the Wise Men to the Birth of Jesus.


-The star: May we seek and be alert to God’s movement in our lives. If we are trusting and have our spiritual eyes open, we will see Jesus actively at work helping us to become the best version of ourselves / And we will certainly see Him in the beauty of His creation.


-The wise men came to Bethlehem and gave the child their precious gifts. When you come to Christ, break open the very best of yourself and make it a gift for Him.


-They returned to their home country by another route. As Bishop Fulton Sheen once commented so magnificently: “Of course they did; for no one comes to Christ and goes back the same way he came.”


Please continue to pray for me during this final week of rest and prayer to be with our Lord amidst the beauty of His creation. And I enjoyed honoring and praying for those precious souls at the Memorial of the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.


Vivat Jesus,

Fr. Vic Gournas


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