Columbarium &
Meditation Shrine
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and may perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

A Place of Repose
The Infant of Prague Columbarium & Meditation Shrine offers a peaceful resting place for parishioners and their immediate families.
Located in the heart of the IOPCC campus, the meditation shrine offers an open-air retreat for reflection and prayer, while our 300-niche columbarium serves as both a resting place for the departed and a reminder to the living of our ongoing communion with the faithful departed within the Body of Christ.
Contact Us Today
The columbaria are situated opposite the Adoration Chapel, surrounded by beautifully kept landscaping with benches to welcome visitors.
Our columbarium niches are designed to accommodate one or two urns. Inquire today for details on making arrangements for individuals or couples.
Memorial plaques are cast in bronze and designed to stand the test of time. Stop by the office to see a sample plaque and discuss engraving options.

To request information about the Columbarium
or to secure a niche for yourself or a loved one,
please contact Jenna Dewkett
910-347-4196 ext. 406